Financial Matters

The practice is contracted with most medical aids and for patients with medical aid, claims are sent directly to the respective medical aid for direct payment.

Inpatient services

For inpatient services rendered, invoices are sent directly to the respective medical aid. Inpatient services are rendered after a referral was made by the treating doctor. An authorisation number and ICD-10 code are used for invoicing purposes. The patient will be liable for settling the account in the rare instance that authorisation for in-hospital treatment is not approved by the medical aid.

Outpatient services

Outpatient services are offered on both a cash or medical aid basis. Medical aid rates apply for those claiming directly through medical aids. A reduced cash rate is offered to cash clients.

For those wishing to use medical aid benefits for the coverage of their care, before engaging the outpatient services of the Perspectives Psychology Group, it is the patient’s responsibility to enquire from their medical aid what cover (if any) they have for psychological services.

Please note that the patient is liable for settling the account should the medical aid reject the claim or should there be a co-payment. It is the responsibility of the patient to monitor the balance of their medical aid benefits and to inform the practice when one’s benefit is reaching exhaustion.

Medical aids require the ICD-10 diagnostic code on all invoices. Should a patient wish for such a code not to appear on an invoice, this needs to be clearly stipulated in writing and one needs to be cognisant that medical aids will not cover the uncoded service and making the patient liable for settling the invoice privately.

For cash patients, the invoice will be emailed to the patient or person responsible for payment. This needs to be settled via EFT within 24 hours of receipt of invoice.

Proof of payment is to be emailed to

Non-payment of invoices will result in therapy being temporarily suspended until such time the account is settled.