Christine Buchanan


Christine was a mature student, having worked in corporate and information technology until her 40s. At that stage she decided to make a complete change and completed a degree in Health

Psychology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), and followed up with a Psychology Honours degree at UJ. In her Honours year, she completed a module in Neuropsychology, and was “bitten by the Neuro bug”!

While going through the process of applying for a Master’s degree, she decided to complete the B.Psych (Registered Counsellor) equivalence programme through UNISA, and did her practicum at Headway Gauteng, an NGO in Johannesburg dedicated to the support of survivors of acquired brain injury and their families.

After she qualified as a Registered Counsellor, Christine continued to volunteer at Headway as a Counsellor. During this time she studied for a Master’s Degree in Research Psychology with the emphasis on Neuropsychology. Her dissertation focused on decision making in people with acquired brain injury from different socio-economic strata in Johannesburg.

Christine was subsequently offered the position of Therapy Manager at Headway, managing the Group Therapy Programme at their Hyde Park branch. This group programme consisted of Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Biokinetics and Psychology, as well as art and creative groups. Headway underwent a reorganisation and she took on the role of Manager for Counselling and Support for the entire organisation.

In total, Christine was at Headway for 13 years. It was the most amazing learning experience working with diverse cases, injuries, and families, and being exposed to rare conditions that affect the brain, the body, and the psychosocial effects of these conditions. In addition, the exposure to the different disciplines gave her an additional learning experience.

During that time Christine joined the South African Clinical Neuropsychological Association (SACNA) as an associate member, and continued to learn as much as she could about Neuropsychology through seminars, lectures and courses provided by SACNA, as well as those offered by other organisations. One course she undertook covered all the aspects of neuropsychology over a year, while others covered neuropathology, neuroimaging and neuroanatomy. Christine found it absolutely fascinating how a change in the brain can have an effect on thought, feelings and behaviour, on a continuum from hardly noticeable, to complete personality, cognitive and emotional changes.

In 2019, the Health Professions Council of South Africa opened a register for Neuropsychology, and based on her experience at Headway, and attendance at courses and CPD programmes, Christine was permitted by the HPCSA to register as a Neuropsychologist under their “grandfather” clause.

Christine now works in private practice with dual registration, those of Neuropsychologist and Registered Counsellor. Her interests are in rehabilitation after brain injury, living with and adjusting to chronic conditions including any form of disability, helping clients to accept their “new normal” after some event that has changed their lives. She generally works from a neuropsychotherapeutic and cognitive behavioural approach.